Saturday, April 12, 2008


Finally I got my Nikkor 18-135 lens repaired. Something was wrong with the focus ring; it was still under warranty though, so the repairs did not cost me any money.

I listened to Jordi's suggestions and upgraded my flickr account to pro. It's just $24.95 a year (about 16 EUR) and it allows me to store all my photographs (which account for nearly 40 GB). Plus, I get a "pro" logo next to my screen name, which is pretty cool. I am using FFXport (Free Flickr eXporter), a free plugin for iPhoto which allows you to upload your photos directly from iPhoto to flickr; it keeps the titles and tags you set in iPhoto.

My photostream at flickr is going to contain all my photos. I am now uploading the pictures of the USA trip to San Francisco and Las Vegas last march. It is a painful process, now I am noticing the "A" part of my ADSL line.


  1. feia dies que no entrava al teu blog i em sembla que hauria d'haver-ho fet abans d'escriure-hi res avui perquè vaig duplicant els temes... jejej

    bé, jo no he arreglat la lent de la meva càmara però sí que sóc pro a flickr com tu :p

  2. Ei, molt bé! Benvinguda al "club". La veritat és que canvia poder pujar només unes quantes fotos a resolució limitada respecte pujar col·leccions senceres.

    Com deia un amic meu, "pocs diners i ben gastats" :)
